Broadcast live on our station 8/19/24 @ 7pm ET

Sean Kiely - "All Of Them Singing" from "All Of Them Singing [single]"
Mirrors on the Moon - "Wild Love" from "Wild Love/California"
The Successful Failures - "Worried All The Time" from "Enemy Sublime"
Jason Didner - "Underwater Basket Weaving" from "Underwater Basket Weaving [single]"
Psychiatric Metaphors - "Just Can't See It Through" from "DEEP BREAK"
Ciara Zwicker - "Believe In You" from "A Lack of Silence"
Surfing For Daisy - "Hell of a Time" from "Hell of a Time [single]"
Sean Connolly - "Callin' it Quits" from "On The Rocks EP"
Rudbeckia - "Life is Better With Friends" from "Rudbeckia"
Boogie Down Apocalypse - "NO FUTURE" from "POST MORTEM"
Mars Kushi and kozzvme - "BURGER N FRIES" from "20 IN '24"
Chitinous Mandible - "Field of Vision" from "Field of Vision [single]"
Ferocious Designs - "Get Back Into Line (2024 Version)" from "How Dare You Call Yourself Justice"
Joe Juliano - "To Fall in Love Again (Demo)" from "The Time Is Now (Deluxe)"
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