Broadcast live on our station 6/17/24 @ 7pm ET

Mike Amerika - "Rock and Roll Dance Party" from "Anthology: The Mike Amerika Collection"
Skull Motion - "The Palm Trees We've Never Seen" from "Demos!"
Backyard Superheroes - "At Least My Dog Thinks I'm Cool" from "At Least My Dog Thinks I'm Cool [single]"
Somebody Club - "Pudding" from "The Epilogue of Unmade Plans"
Anthony Krizan - "Six Feet Under Ground" from "Cool Shade of Blue"
Alibi - "It's So Hard to Say I Told You So" from "Pretty to Think So"
Modern Crybaby - "Valhalla For Wimps" from "Valhalla For Wimps [single]"
The Mediocre Friends - "That'll Be Me" from "So, this is it?"
Doug Jay - "Cardinal" from "Web"
Mixolydian Dreamer - "Breaking Free" from "mending!"
Starikova - "Catalyst" from "Catalyst [single]"
Mother Hubbard - "Box Of Truth" from "Live at the Bitter End"
Speed the Plough - "Sleepytown" from "Speed the Plough @ 503 Social"
Greg McGarvey - "Gettin' Closer" from "Crickets Surround"
Szwei & Marat - "Moonlighting" from "Moonlighting [single]"
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